The use of offshore wind energy will enable massive growth opportunities for the wind industry and the maritime economy in the coming years. At present, more than 70 offshore windfarm projects are being firmly planned.

The study “fascination offshore – report 2003” informs on market potential, projects planned worldwide. Furthermore, offshore wind turbine technology, offshore foundations and the issue of integrating offshore wind farms into the energy systems are looked at.

We analyse the demands for logistics at sea and harbours as logistic bases on shore. Also economic aspects are investigated, focussing on both investment costs and total costs of ownership of offshore wind energy projects.

The investigations were jointly carried out by Övermöhle C&M and elexyr. Apart from our own work, experts from the various fields have written expert contributions which bring in their practical experiences and knowledge.

The study is available in both German and English version. Here You will find further information on contents and ordering of the study.